Tachanka has a total of 10 grenades available. The Shumikha Launcher is equipped with a fixed 5-grenade magazine.This launcher shoots grenades that generate areas of fire 1 second after the first bounce.Tachanka’s RP-46 Degtyaryov turret has been replaced with the Shumikha Laucher.The Y5S3.3.1 Tachanka Community Patch Notes are available in full below.
Since this is a rework and not technically a new op, this is notable but not surprising. Worth noting that Tach 2.0 won't be seen in the highest levels of Siege until next year-new operators are usually unavailable in Pro League for 1 season after launching.
So did we, when we took a shot at getting good with him a couple of years ago, an exercise in futility that we ultimately declared ' an almighty mistake.'